Birthplace of the Canadian Confederation, Prince Edward Island is the smallest province in Canada. With a population of 175,000 and an area of 5600 km2, P.E.I. is the densest province in Canada, with a population of 30 per square kilometre. The largest agglomeration is the capital, Charlottetown (38,500 pop.), followed by Summerside (15,000).
The economy of this province is mainly based on tourism, fishing, agriculture, processing of natural resources and services. In addition, the aerospace, biological sciences and information technologies industries are booming and offer multiple opportunities.
The Acadian and Francophone community of PEI is dynamic and growing. 17,000 people are able to speak French, including 3,800 people having French as their first language. Francophones are mainly concentrated in the Evangeline region, located in Prince County, and in Greater Charlottetown.
The island quality of life is unique, and no matter the time of year, access to other provinces is easy thanks to the Confederation Bridge, the ferry and the Charlottetown airport. Prince Edward Island is known for its fields as far as the eye can see, an intense blue sea, red soil, magnificent beaches. Most of all, it offers a peaceful and enchanting environment in which to live.