SME Succession Hub would like to introduce Olivier Devaux, new owner of Décor Unique

From left to right: the former owner, Théogène Albert and the new owner of Décor Unique, Olivier Devaux.
Olivier Devaux's journey as a business owner began a few years ago. After a few attempts to purchase a business he finally succeeded in buying Décor Unique (formerly Monsieur Draperies Ltée). Many factors helped Olivier achieve his goal of purchasing Monsieur Draperies Ltée, and SME Succession Hub was clearly a key resource. The virtual seller/buyer matchmaking platform helped Olivier connect with the right business and facilitated the process of approaching the owner.
Olivier used SME Succession Hub comprehensive database of businesses for sale to find Théogène Albert's business quickly and easily.
A few words about Olivier Devaux. Originally from France, Olivier arrived in Canada three years ago and is now running his own company. After he purchased a business, he changed the name to Décor Unique and immediately set about creating a new brand identity. Let's just say that Olivier didn't waste any time getting down to business! He set about familiarizing himself with the store, the customers and the suppliers; he also had to learn the administrative duties that come with owing a store. Despite the work involved, he says he is enjoying every minute! And, of course, Oliver has the invaluable help of the former owner who is supporting him in his venture and helping him to get started on the right foot.
A few words about Théogène Albert. After 40 years at the helm of Monsieur Draperies Ltée, Théogène Albert was ready to retire and pass the torch to someone else. But he didn't want just anyone to take over. He wanted someone who was dedicated to the success of the business and who wanted to carry on his legacy. When Théogène met Olivier through the SME Succession Hub (Carrefour Relève PME) matchmaking platform, he knew he had met someone who has what it takes to succeed. Théogène knew that his company would do well with someone like Olivier holding the reins because he is not afraid of hard work!
How do you know which company is the right fit? The moment he met Théogène, Olivier knew that the business was the right fit for him. It's important to understand that Olivier wanted more than the ownership of a viable and established business. He also wanted to combine his knowledge and skills with his passion for entrepreneurship. For a professional in the installation of all types of floor coverings and ceramics, Monsieur Draperies Ltée was a natural choice; it was the opportunity he had been looking for since his arrival in Canada. But of course, the journey involved in purchasing a business is not made in a day. Olivier planned ahead and was knowledgeable about his financial situation. He also researched the company's business model to learn everything about it and made sure he surrounded himself with business acquisition experts. He found those experts on the SME Succession Hub platform.
Why choose to buy a business rather than start one? Olivier admits that buying an existing, well‑established business is no easier than starting one. However, by taking over a company with 40 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, he has a better idea of where he is headed. There are still some unknowns, but Olivier knows the business has a solid foundation built on decades of experience.
A few words about Olivier Devaux. Originally from France, Olivier arrived in Canada three years ago and is now running his own company. After he purchased a business, he changed the name to Décor Unique and immediately set about creating a new brand identity. Let's just say that Olivier didn't waste any time getting down to business! He set about familiarizing himself with the store, the customers and the suppliers; he also had to learn the administrative duties that come with owing a store. Despite the work involved, he says he is enjoying every minute! And, of course, Oliver has the invaluable help of the former owner who is supporting him in his venture and helping him to get started on the right foot.
A few words about Théogène Albert. After 40 years at the helm of Monsieur Draperies Ltée, Théogène Albert was ready to retire and pass the torch to someone else. But he didn't want just anyone to take over. He wanted someone who was dedicated to the success of the business and who wanted to carry on his legacy. When Théogène met Olivier through the SME Succession Hub (Carrefour Relève PME) matchmaking platform, he knew he had met someone who has what it takes to succeed. Théogène knew that his company would do well with someone like Olivier holding the reins because he is not afraid of hard work!
How do you know which company is the right fit? The moment he met Théogène, Olivier knew that the business was the right fit for him. It's important to understand that Olivier wanted more than the ownership of a viable and established business. He also wanted to combine his knowledge and skills with his passion for entrepreneurship. For a professional in the installation of all types of floor coverings and ceramics, Monsieur Draperies Ltée was a natural choice; it was the opportunity he had been looking for since his arrival in Canada. But of course, the journey involved in purchasing a business is not made in a day. Olivier planned ahead and was knowledgeable about his financial situation. He also researched the company's business model to learn everything about it and made sure he surrounded himself with business acquisition experts. He found those experts on the SME Succession Hub platform.
Why choose to buy a business rather than start one? Olivier admits that buying an existing, well‑established business is no easier than starting one. However, by taking over a company with 40 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, he has a better idea of where he is headed. There are still some unknowns, but Olivier knows the business has a solid foundation built on decades of experience.